WordPress Development: 10 Awesome Aspects You Need to Know! - MyHBD

January 6, 2023


WordPress developers typically fall into one of two categories.

The first type of person chooses to learn more about WordPress because they are already a developer in some capacity. There is also a second type of person who has yet to gain coding experience. The WordPress platform is a great place to learn about development, which is why it is perfect for those who learn things as they go. In addition, for various reasons, it is an effective learning tool for new developers.

The Building Blocks of WordPress

Various coding languages must be learned to get the most out of WordPress development. At its core, WordPress is built upon the most common programming language on the website, PHP. However, it also utilizes HTML, CSS, and some JavaScript for several aspects.

There are different coding languages and standards, but you can learn a little about them at the start of your development journey.

PHP, CSS, and HTML are the three main core languages you need to learn to become a perfect WordPress developer.

PHP controls everything within WordPress and interacts and how it connects with the MySQL database. Therefore, it can be used to make some excellent functions and is the primary language to learn for every aspect of WordPress.

The following essential aspect of learning is CSS. This is how you design your site. It is how you differentiate your website from all of the others out there on the website. It can be challenging to master and require much studying to get the most from it.

HTML is the structure that the functions made in PHP and the styling defined by the CSS are built around. It is the easiest to learn but very important in creating a good site.

Javascript is the following language that you can learn to use with WordPress. It is not one you will need to concern yourself with at the start of your development journey. Still, it is worth investigating once you are comfortable with the other three languages.

Development Paths to Explore

There are three paths to take if you are interested in WordPress development.

Theme Development

It is the most common point in WordPress development. Many WordPress developers start their learning process with themes. Whether you have a theme that needs to be redesigned for various reasons or decide to make a theme of your own, this is an excellent place to start.

Custom Theme Plugin Development involves all three development languages, and you learn how WordPress integrates with all of its aspects. In addition, it comes with the bonus of allowing you to view the code for other themes and learn how they are put together.

Plugin Development

Creating a plugin is only sometimes attempted by those who begin coding by tinkering with their website. Far too much can go wrong with a poorly written plugin for beginners.

Those who already have PHP knowledge and are looking to solve a particular issue they are experiencing with WordPress are more likely to follow this path. The main factor in plugin development is that your imagination only limits you.

You can change a default WordPress installation into practically anything with plugins. Example plugins include social networks, forums, membership websites, etc.

Developing the Core Software

Getting involved with software development for WordPress requires a good deal of skill. This is something that those should attempt with PHP experience.

Learning Sources

Although WordPress development can get tricky, many resources across the web can help you with whatever issue you’re facing.

If you are stuck on one thing, the solution is already available. So here’s where you should start looking.

The Codex

The WordPress Codex would be the first part for any question of development.

It is a resource that details every function and piece of code within WordPress software. In addition, it includes so many tutorials and articles for getting started with WordPress and is arguably the resource on the subject.


There is a vast array of tutorials on the internet to get you started with WordPress Web Development. Many free tutorials are available for you, but there are also various premium courses and tutorials.

As well as tutorials for learning about development, there are also many specific tutorials that will teach you how to carry out several tasks. A fast Google search will give you days worth of the reading materials.


There is a no of forums for developers. Not all of them are worth reading regularly, but they are ideal for asking questions about your problems. Again, not all of the answers you receive will be worthwhile, but they can be quick and helpful places to have specific questions answered.

There are WordPress forums or developer forums, such as stack overflow, for you to investigate. It is worth taking the time to discover a forum that suits you and ask questions of the more experienced users.

Taking Part in The Community

The WordPress community is an active place where you can learn anything there is to know about the software. It isn’t simply filled with coders. The WordPress community includes translators, designers, and others who can give you several perspectives on your development queries. There are various ways to get involved in the community.


Learning about WordPress design and development is very difficult and time-consuming but can be extremely rewarding. If the time is taken to learn the software, you can begin to shape your WordPress website in many ways.

Whether you design and develop your themes, introduce a plugin, or become significantly involved in developing the software, diving in and getting involved in the community.

Have you started your WordPress development journey, or are you hoping to start soon? How would you recommend all to get started if you’re an excellent WordPress developer? We’d love to see your thoughts in the comments section.

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